
Nishat Hotel Deals

Step inside The Nishat Hotel and get swept away with the luxury and comfort it has to offer. Spend quality time in its first-class rooms, lavish lobbies, well-equipped gym, and temperature-controlled swimming pool. The magnificent sights partnered with extraordinary hospitality will leave you wanting more. Let the holiday season be the best time of the year as we provide visitors with the best hotel deals in Lahore. So, take a day off from your daily activities and enjoy making memories at The Nishat Hotel.

Ramadan Staycation Single Bed 2025

$ 125.00

Elevate your fasting experience with our exclusive Ramadan package, tailored to offer you comfort, convenience, and a touch of indulgence in the heart of Lahore’s vibrant Gulberg area.

Ramadan Staycation Double Bed 2025

$ 125.00

Elevate your fasting experience with our exclusive Ramadan package, tailored to offer you comfort, convenience, and a touch of indulgence in the heart of Lahore’s vibrant Gulberg area.

For More Information call us at +92 42 111 000 777

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